Platinum (Supports the clinic for a month) 

Chattanooga Ophthalmological Foundation

CHI Memorial Hospital / Common Spirit

Christ United Methodist Church

George R. Johnson Family Foundation

Peg C. May

Tennessee Charitable Care Network

Weldon F. Osborne Foundation

United Way of Greater Chattanooga

Gold (Supports the clinic for two weeks) 

BlueCross BlueShield Community Trust

Dr. Deanne Champion and Ray Bell
Greater Chattanooga Community Foundation

Jack and Betty McKee

Kenneth Orthner

Schillhahn-Huskey Foundation

Silverdale Baptist Church

Truist Foundation

WRCB TV Channel 3 (in-kind donation)

Greg and Terri Willett

Silver (Supports the clinic for a week) 

CHI Memorial Hospital
Ernie and Linda Brown

Philip and Jan Bryan

Brainerd Baptist Church

Brainerd Presbyterian Church

Capital Toyota – Chattanooga

City Scope / Health Scope Magazine (In-kind)

Davis Wealth Partners

El Meson - Hixson (In-kind)

Erlanger Health System

First Horizon Foundation

The Generosity Trust

The Held Foundation

March Adams & Associates

Medicare Misty

Ridgedale Baptist Church

J Mack Worthington, MD

Wright, Cortesi & Gilbreath

Vascular Institute of Chattanooga

Bronze (Supports the clinic for a day)

Alchemy Medspa and Wellness Center
Baker Donelson
Benevity Community Impact Fund

Brown Acres Golf Course (In-kind)

BLUUM Florist (In Kind)

Joel and Wanda Blake

Dr. Kevin and Lynn Mosier Bryant

Cansler Photography (In kind)

Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport
Chattanooga Business Machines

Chattanooga Funeral Crematory & Florist - East Brainerd Chapel

Chattanooga State Community College

CHI Memorial Hospital - Medical Staff

Coca-Cola United - Chattanooga (In-kind)

Dale's Heating and Air

Current Electric

Endodontic Group
Fred and Norma Gault

First Centenary United Methodist Church

Gingerbread House Childcare Center

Guardian Investment Advisors, LLC

David and Becky Hall

Joel and Teri Henderson

Hixson United Methodist Church

Marshall Horton III, MD

James and Stephanie Hudson

Jon and Kera Hughes

Galen Dermatology

J&S Restaurants - Hardees Franchise Co. (In Kind)

Tom Johnson

Market Street Partners

Mark Hite Real Estate Team

Medical Foundation of Chattanooga

Medicare Misty

Merchant Productions (In-Kind)

Miller and Martin

McGhinnis Family Fund

Jason Miller

Dr. Mitchell and Carol Mutter

Patton and Patton

Peter Rawlings, MD

Rechoboth Baptist Church

RockPoint Bank

Jim Steffner, Jr.

Scenic City Signs (In Kind)

Specialists in Pulmonary Care

Rev. L. Clark Taylor, Jr. PhD

Tom and Kelly Quillen

Walmart Foundation

Warren & Griffin, P.C

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